The Evant ISD Heritage Foundation annually funds scholarships to graduating Evant ISD seniors who enroll in two or four year college or institute.

Teacher Grant Applications:
The Evant ISD Heritage Foundation is awarding funds to qualifying Evant Teachers.

2023 Evant ISD Heritage Foundation Scholarship Recipients: from left, Jamie Graham, Jana Wall, Damien Honea, & Arely Reyes

2022 Evant ISD Heritage Foundation Scholarship Recipients: from left: Caeleigh Burkham, Chris Meis; Treasurer, Kendy Harrell, & Emileigh Burkham

2020 EISD Heritage Foundation Scholarship Recipients

2021 Scholarship Recipients:
from left: Siera Ramsey, Christian Dolloff, (seated) Amy Pritchard, Zulma Obiedo
Foundation Funded Projects at Evant ISD:
Projects are selected by the Foundation Board from a list submitted by the EISD Administration each April.
2019: Renovation of the historic gym floor
2020: New ceramic tile floor with school mascot for lobby

2021: Jackets for school staff members
2022: New industrial oven for school kitchen

The Evant ISD Heritage Foundation funded the renovation of our school lobby. This photo shows student representatives as well as the new furnishings and tile floor with a mosaic of mascot.

Mrs. Betty Marshall Stinson donated funds to the Evant ISD Heritage Foundation Board Members in the hope of motivating other alumni to contribute to the improvement of the educational experiences at Evant ISD.