(After School Centers on Education)

Elk Nation Food Pantry

Elk Nation Food Pantry flyer, Feb. 2025 image

ACE Career Exploration: T-Shirt Printing Business

ACE Career Exploration: T-Shirt Printing Business

On January 30th, or ACE program hosted Ms. Rena Sliger who owns a T-Shirt business to educate our after school students about designing and printing objects. Mrs. Lisa Gaines, 3rd-6th grade teacher and ACE instructor, stated that "they had a great time and so did I. " Mrs. Faith Massingill, ACE Coordinator also expressed her gratitude to Ms. Sliger "for coming to speak and help our students learn about the trade."

ACE Lights Out Enrichment Activity

Summer ACE Hico Field Trip

Slider is playing
ACE June Field Trip-Hico 1


ACE Updates

  • Attention ACE Parents ! We will no longer have ACE busses on Tuesdays and Fridays through the rest of April. Busses are only available Wednesday and Thursday. If you have any questions please contact D. Nettles or J. Hanson.

  • The last day of ACE for this school year will be May 10th. ACE will return in the summer for more activities!

ACE Afterschool Center Logo, with TEA emblem, image

Evant ISD is an ACE After School Center!

ACE classes, tutoring and enrichment includes morning tutoring from 7am to 7:45am.  We will have snack at approximately 4:15pm.

ACE Director: Faith Massingill

ACE Family Engagement:

Elementary ACE Director: Jamie Hanson

Secondary ACE Director: Dyani Nettles